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2002 - new topics 04-11-2002
2003 - new zope improvement 27-04-2003
2003 - new topics 05-11-2003
2004 - site was down from 3-12 to 18-12-2004
2005 - the dns server is update 01-07-2005
2007 - new server 04-2007
2008 - server crashed 13-7-2008
2023 - site update 06-2023
about us
who are we
words of wisdom
ECR 2008 presentation
Percutaneous management of spine tumors
RSNA 2003 - ECR 2004
RSNA 2002 - ECR 2003
Bipolar Radiofrequency
How to realize an electronic poster or presentation for lazy ones
imaging of the diaphragm
Movies imaging of the diaphragm
Radiofrequency liver tumor ablation with a wet electrode Dupas BM
RSNA 2001 - ECR 2002
Percutaneous vertebroplasty set for easier and safer glue injection
Movie Percutaneous vertebroplasty set
Movie Illustration Percutaneous vertebroplasty set
Radiofrequency liver tumor ablation with a novel wet electrode
movie rf with a novel wet electrode
Movie Illustration movie rf with a novel wet electrode
Percutaneous Bone tumor management
Movie Percutaneous Bone tumor management
Movie Illustration Percutaneous Bone tumor management
Compact Navigation System Dedicated to Percutaneous Interventions Guided by CT: Advantages and Limits
Movie Illustration Compact Navigation System
Movies Compact Navigation System
RSNA 2000 presentations
Complications of percutaneous chest biopsy: how to avoid and manage them
Demonstration movies chest biopsy
Movie percutaneous chest biopsy : bp-divx.mp4
Primary adrenal gland tumor versus metastasis
Demonstration movies adrenal gland tumor
Adrenal biopsy 1
Adrenal biopsy 2
Tips and tricks in vertebroplasty
vertebroplasty movie illustration
Dual Guidance
Local anesthesia
Vertebral puncture case n°1
Vertebral puncture case n°2
Vertebral puncture n°3 and phlebogram
Preparation of the cement
Injection of the cement n°1
Injection of the cement n°2
RSNA 1999 presentations
Percutaneous Musculoskeletal Biopsy (PMSB)
Percutaneous Periradicular Infiltration
Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression
Interstitial Laser Photocoagulation
Percutaneous Cementoplasty
Movie Puncture demonstration
surveys - vertebroplasty
surveys vertebroplasty movies explanation
surveys- vertebroplasty fluoroscopy
surveys vertebroplasty cements
Surveys : vertebroplasty Cements illustration movies
Movie Illustration Percutaneous vertebroplasty
Percutaneous Laser Photocoagulation (ILP) of osteoid osteomas
ILP of osteoid osteomas
Percutaneous Musculoskeletal Biopsies
Percutaneous Musculoskeletal Biopsies (PMSB)
Radiofrequency Ablation of Bone Metastases
Radiofrequency Ablation of Bone Metastases
Intervertebral Disk
Interventional Procedures : Intervertebral Disk
diagnosis : Intervertebral Disk Disease
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RSNA 2000 presentations
Injection of the cement n°1
Injection of the cement n°1
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